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本文摘要:Unit15初二英语温习——词组和句子1. Do you agree with me? (agree with sb. 同意某人意见) 2. Do you help your parents with /do the housework? (资助某人做某事)3. Neither dad nor my brother helps. (既不……也不…… 就近原则)4. Why don’t men do a bit of housework? (a little 一点,少量)5. This is not take-away food!


Unit15初二英语温习——词组和句子1. Do you agree with me? (agree with sb. 同意某人意见) 2. Do you help your parents with /do the housework? (资助某人做某事)3. Neither dad nor my brother helps. (既不……也不…… 就近原则)4. Why don’t men do a bit of housework? (a little 一点,少量)5. This is not take-away food! This is home cooking. (外卖食品,家常做法)6. People buy fish and chips in a fish and chip shop. (在一家鱼和炸薯条专卖店)7. Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays. (或者…或者…就近原则)8. I do some cleaning and cooking at the weekends. (洗衣服,烧饭)9. China is famous for its food in the world. (因……而有名的)10. Would you like anything else? (此外工具)11. Could I have the bill? (结帐)12. --A table for two? – Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window? 13. Could you pass me the salt? (pass sb. sth./ pass sth. to sb. (传给某人某物)14. Today we’re going to have something English. (英国的工具)15. He made us laugh. (make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事)16. I like Chinese tea without anything in it /with nothing in it. (中国清茶)17. May I take your order now? (你现在点佳肴了吗?)18. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?19. In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips.20. It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world. He seems to know this woman.21. Chinese food has different tastes. (风味) The cakes taste (尝起来)good.22. It must be more delicious. (一定)23. --Do you think pizza is very delicious. ---Yes, I think so. /No, I don’t think so.24. Tofu is good for your health. Do you agree? ---Yes, I agree. / No, I don’t really agree.25. --They eat a lot of potatoes. ---So do we./ Oh, we don’t. we eat a lot of fish. So +be /情态动词/助动词+主语 (前后人称纷歧样) E.g. He will come tomorrow. So will she. Lucy can ride a bike. So can Lily. So + 主语+ be/情态动词/助动词 (前后人称一样) E.g. Lucy is a pretty girl. So she is. It’s in the desk. Ah, so it is . Unit16初二英语温习——词组和句子1. Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema. (on one’s way home 在……途中)2. She sees the worried woman. ( She looks worried.焦虑)3. What’s the matter (with you)? What’s wrong? What’s the trouble?(怎么了?)4. What about your inside pocket?(内里的口袋)5. At the end of the road you’ll see the hospital.(在……止境) in the end (最后)6. He is still quite weak. (弱的) He is very happy to see his wife.7. He’s ill /sick in hospital. (be ill / sick in hospital生病住院)8. They look around, but Liu Mei did not wait for their thanks. (四周看, 等候)9. –Can I borrow these books? ---Certainly. You can keep them for two weeks.10. --I can’t find the key to my bike / the door. – It may be in your pocket. -Ah, so it is.11. –What are you going to do tomorrow? --I’m not sure. I may watch a play on TV. (看电视剧)12. Mrs. Lee was tired after her day’s shopping in Beijing.(在一天购物后)13. It’s only about five minutes’ walk. ( 五分钟的旅程)14. You will get there just in time. (实时) (on time 准时)15. She started to make her way back to the restaurant.(往……走去)16. I’m lost. It’s easy to get lost in a big city. (迷路)17. First of all, we’d better go back to the video shop. (首先)18. on the other side of the road (在路的另一边) just then (正在那时) just now(适才)19. twenty minutes later (以后) twenty minutes ago (以前)20. It’ll take you about half an hour.(花费) It takes (took, will take ) sb. +(时间)+to do sth. (花费某人时间做某事)21. I spent an hour doing the homework. (花时间做某事) I spent fifty yuan on this coat. (在……上花钱) 主语是人22. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the clothing factory, please? Which is the way to the clothing factory, please? How can I get to the post office? Where is the men’s room /ladies’ room?(男用/女用洗手间) Is there a hospital near here? Do you know the way to the school? 问路常用句型23. Go along/down this road and take the second turning on the left. Turn right/left at the first crossing. Go up this road to the end. Go on until you reach the end. Go across the bridge. Cross the bridge. You’ll see it in front of you. It’s between the shop and the school. You can’t miss it . 回覆常用句型Unit 17初二英语温习——词组和句子1.You must be more careful. That car nearly hit you. (快要)2.You mustn’t cross the road now. 3. Must I do it now? Yes, you must. No, you mustn’t.4. When you get on the bus, you must stand/wait in line and wait for your turn. (上车) get off (下车) (排队期待) (按序次期待)5. If you make a lot of noise (发出许多噪音), you may disturb (打扰)others.6. This is a doctor’s waiting room in a hospital.(医生候诊室)7. At the head of the queue was an a woman. (在……首) at the end of in the end 8. The woman thought he was a queue jumper. (插队者)9. She stood up and took his arm. (take one’s arm握住某人的胳臂)10.Everyone laughed at the woman’s mistake.(讽刺)11. Why are you still in bed (卧床)? You must get up and get ready for (准备)school. If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.12. ---What’s wrong? ---I don’t know. My head hurts. (我头痛)13. You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor. (直到……才)14. After you use plastic bags(塑料袋), you mustn’t throw them about (乱丢).15. He changed his job in 1997. (change one’s job换事情)16. After a few weeks /a few weeks later(几个星期以后) they often went to the sea.17. In fact (事实上), they were still there at midnight (在半夜) when the doorbell rang.18. You must stop making so much noise. (停止发出这么多的噪音)19. Someone telephoned us to complain about it. (诉苦)20. We must invite them to our place. (invite sb. to sp.邀请某人到某地)21. He didn’t want to quarrel with you. (与某人打骂)22. That was a surprise!(真令人受惊) To one’s surprise(让某人受惊的是)23. He answered in a tired voice. (用很累的声音)24.Their friends enjoyed themselves at the party. (have a good time 过的很愉快)25. If you don’t want to go alone (独自), I’ll go with you.26. You should be quiet (平静)when you are in the reading room (在阅览室)27. She was in the city to visit her daughter.28. She sat nearest to the doctor’s door. (near to靠近,靠近)29. It is better to wait and be safe. It’s good/better to do sth. (做某事好/较好)30. Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait? (你认为学会等候对我们来说很有须要吗?) think it + (形容词) for sb. to do sth. 认为某人做某事……31. I think it difficult to learn English. (我认为学外语很难)32. He found it difficult to get to sleep. find it +(形容词) to do sth. (发现做某事……)Unit 18初二英语温习——词组和句子1. I have a headache. (头疼) have a cough (咳嗽)2. What a terrible cough.(多恐怖的咳嗽啊) I’ll take you to see a doctor. (take sb. to sp. 带某人到某地)3. --How are you feeling now? --I’m feeling even worse. (我感受更糟了)4. Let me take your temperature. (take one’s temperature 量体温)5. She didn’t feel like eating anything. (feel like doing sth.想做某事)6. I had a pain in my head. (have a pain in one’s head 头部疼)7. Did you eat anything for breakfast? I don’t feel any better now.8. It’s nothing serious.(不严重) Take this medicine three times a day (一天吃三次)9. Sometimes dreaming is good for us. I always dreams about hard work.(梦到干苦活)10. I was busy planting trees all night long. (be busy doing /with sth. 忙于做某事) (整夜)11. I had dreams as soon as(一…就)I fell asleep.(入睡)12. There was a terrible storm.(有一场恐怖的狂风雨)13. We had to work for hours to stop the ship from going down. (stop…from doing sth. 阻止……做……)14. If I don’t take one, I will be awake all night.(醒着的)15. Why don’t you listen to music? (听音乐)16. sleeping pills(安息药) fast sleep(熟睡) in the school band (在学校乐队)17. in fifteen minutes (十分钟之后) again and again (再三) light music(轻音乐)18. –Do you have to stop eating chocolate? --No, I don’t have to.19. It tastes delicious.(尝起来) He seems angry. (似乎) 系动词be, look(看起来) feel (感受)smell(闻起来) sound(听起来) become (酿成,成为)20. He wanted to be a great singer, but he became a doctor instead.(取代)21. He didn’t answer my questions. Instead he asked me a question.22. We are going to have our trip on Friday instead of (取代)Sunday. 23. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.(每5分钟) every other week24. The doctor looked over Mrs. Brown very carefully. (仔细检查)25. The doctor looked her over carefully.26. You don’t take enough exercise. (take exercise做运动) 27. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food—and you have to take more exercise. (如果你想更瘦,更康健,你得少吃食物,多运动)28. If you do that, you’ll soon feel much healthier. 29. That is a problem!(这是个问题) No problem.(没问题)30. Do I have to take them before or after meals? (饭前或饭后)31. There’s nothing much wrong with you.(没毛病)32. Is there anything wrong with Mrs. Brown?原创/安颖/北京市西城区英语教师,接待关注我的微信民众号teacheray,一起交流英语学习。固然,我的新书<<初中英语自诊断>>中有针对初中英语常考高频500词的详尽剖析,并有针对完型阅读配套视频解说近800个,扫描题目下方二维码即可寓目视频,学习效率更高,考试分数更高。接待关注我的微信民众号咨询。



文章来源:  文章作者:澳门永利WWW6774.COm 

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